Ahrtal Quelle Mineral Water (Ahr Valley Source)

Ahrtal Quelle Mineral Water (Ahr Valley Source) comes from Ahr Valley in Germany. It contains 200mg sodium, 88mg calcium, 85mg magnesium, 66mg chloride, 37mg sulfate and 1087mg bicarbonate. Ahrtal Quelle Mineral Water (Ahr Valley Source) thus contains a total of 1574mg of minerals per liter(High minerality).

It has very rich Magnesium, Bicarbonate minerals.

Ahrtal Quelle Mineral Water (Ahr Valley Source) has a degree of hardness of 3.1 GH and is therefore considered as Very Hard Water.

Total Mineral:1574 mg/l

Ahrtal Quelle Mineral Water (Ahr Valley Source) is suggested for:

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