Selters Naturell Mineral Water

Selters Naturell Mineral Water comes from Lahn in Germany. It contains 5mg sodium, 78mg calcium, 21mg magnesium, 9mg chloride, 28mg sulfate and 298mg bicarbonate. Selters Naturell Mineral Water thus contains a total of 442mg of minerals per liter(Low minerality).

Selters Naturell Mineral Water contains low-sodium(only 6mg) and might be a great alternative if you are on sodium diet.

Selters Naturell Mineral Water has a degree of hardness of 2.2 GH and is therefore considered as Very Hard Water.

Total Mineral:443 mg/l
Sodium Diet Product

Selters Naturell Mineral Water is suggested for:


Match Score : %33
While the close relationship between hypertension and dietary sodium intake is widely recognized Calcium an...


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