Product of Luxembourg
The water from the Rosport spring has been naturally filtered for more than 50 years, crossing the Luxembourg rock layers. This long course gives all the necessary purity to its waters. Much more exceptional still, the water being gaseous naturally at its source, it contains more carbon dioxide, which gives it the power to become heavily loaded with mineral salts. Rosport waters are among the richest in Europe.
Rosport Viva Mineral Water
Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)
Total Mineral:1756 mg/l
Rosport Viva Mineral Water comes from Rosport spring in Luxembourg. It contains 47mg sodium, 278mg calcium, 96mg magnesium, 56mg chloride, 318mg sulfate and 941mg bicarbonate. Rosport Viva Mineral Water thus contains a total of 1756mg of minerals per liter(High minerality).
It has very rich Calcium, Magnesium, Bicarbonate, Sulfate minerals.
Rosport Viva Mineral Water has a degree of hardness of 7.9 GH and is therefore considered as Very Hard Water.
Rosport Viva Mineral Water is suggested for:
Vegan/Vegetarian Diet
Match Score : %100
Choosing the right mineral water can add a nice dose of calcium and magnesium to your vegan/vegetarian diet.
Kidney Stone Disease
Match Score : %100
High calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate content in water is recommended for kidney stone patients.
Migraine Headache
Match Score : %100
Low brain magnesium as well as impaired magnesium metabolism have also been reported in various diseases su...
Match Score : %100
Receiving the recommended amount of magnesium daily gives you the energy to engage in sexual activity and i...
Match Score : %100
Magnesium has a huge array of health benefits.It is especially helpful for dealing with hemorrhoids because...
Cardiovascular Health
Match Score : %100
Calcium and magnesium content of drinking water may have a protective role against CVDs. Lowe...
Match Score : %100
Low magnesium is associated with low testosterone, which in turn is linked to low and irritable moods espec...
Match Score : %100
The body needs more vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. Minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, sodium,...
Asthma Treatment
Match Score : %100
Magnesium sulfate is a bronchodilator. It relaxes the bronchial muscles and expands the airways, all...
Mineral Water Fit for Constipation: Bowel Function
Match Score : %100
The daily consumption of a natural mineral water rich in magnesium sulphate and sodium sulphate improved bo...
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gastric
Match Score : %100
Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, causes discomfort in the upper portion of your abdomen, and just abou...
Type 2 Diabetes
Match Score : %100
Type 2 diabetes is frequently associated with both extracellular and intracellular magnesium deficits and M...
Celiac Disease
Match Score : %100
More than 1 in 10 patients with Celiac Disease on a Gluten-free-diet(GFD) have been found to suffer from a ...
Depression and Anxiety
Match Score : %100
Magnesium is very important in mood regulation and has an impact on your nervous system. It is necessary fo...
Restless Leg Syndrome
Match Score : %100
Magnesium is a natural mineral that our bodies need to function properly. Magnesium plays a role in regulat...
High Cholesterol (Hyperlipidemic) Treatment
Match Score : %100
A one-month intake of mineral water rich in calcium, magnesium bicarbonate, and sulfate decreased cholester...
Fatigue, Tiredness, Energy
Match Score : %100
Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body, required for more than 300 different biochemica...
Insomnia or other sleep disturbances
Match Score : %100
Magnesium improves subjective measures of insomnia such as ISI score, sleep efficiency, sleep time and slee...
Match Score : %100
Für Nierensteinpatienten wird ein hoher Calcium-, Magnesium- und Bicarbonatgehalt im Mineralwasser empfohlen.
Verbessern Sexuelle Funktion
Match Score : %100
Magnesium hilft bei der Produktion von Sexualhormonen wie Androgen und Östrogen, die den Sexualtrieb regul...
Match Score : %100
Der Körper benötigt während der Schwangerschaft mehr Vitamine und Mineralstoffe. Mineralien wie Kalzium,...
Vegane/vegetarische Ernährung
Match Score : %100
Die Wahl des richtigen Mineralwassers kann Ihrer veganen/vegetarischen Ernährung eine schöne Dosis Kalziu...
Cinsel Gücü Artırma
Match Score : %100
Bir dizi araştırma ile seks hormonlarının magnezyum konsantrasyonu üzerindeki etkileri tespit edilmiş...
Match Score : %100
Vücudun hamilelik sırasında daha fazla vitamin ve minerale ihtiyacı vardır. Kalsiyum, demir, potasyum,...
Keto Diet
Match Score : %67
The keto flu symptoms can be triggered by insufficient sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in your body.
Hangover Cure
Match Score : %67
Mineral water might be a good solution for hangover cure. It helps to reduce or even completely eliminate a...
Kater verhindern
Match Score : %67
Für viele bedeutet ein Kater Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit, Sodbrennen oder Kreislaufprobleme. Durch ein Geträ...
Akşamdan Kalma
Match Score : %67
Alkolden kaynaklı su kaybının giderilmesi ve böbreklerin alkol tüketimi ile yok etiği mineralleri yen...
Period Blooting
Match Score : %50
If you have symptoms like bloating, fluid retention, and tenderness in your breasts, a boost in magnesium i...
1 review for Rosport Viva Mineral Water
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Clara Schmit –
Rosport Viva ist leicht und erfrischend. Perfekt für heiße Tage oder nach dem Sport.