Low brain magnesium as well as impaired magnesium metabolism have also been reported in various diseases such as migraine. Magnesium intake through drinking water may prevent migraine headache episodes
Migraine is a genetically influenced complex disorder characterized by episodes of moderate-to-severe headache, most often unilateral and generally associated with nausea and light and sound sensitivity. This activity reviews the evaluation and treatment of migraine and highlights the role of the interprofessional team in evaluating and treating patients with this condition.
Dietary surveys performed in Western countries show magnesium intakes lower than the recommended dietary allowances, suggesting a large prevalence of magnesium deficiency. Low brain magnesium as well as impaired magnesium metabolism have also been reported in various diseases such as migraine. To detect these deficiencies, a non-invasive and sensitive test assessing magnesium status is needed.
Stefan Lang –
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