Bad Vilbeler UrQuell Spritzig Mineral Water

Bad Vilbeler UrQuell Spritzig Mineral Water comes from Vilbel in Germany. It contains 119mg sodium, 194mg calcium, 27mg magnesium, 132mg chloride, 28mg sulfate and 832mg bicarbonate. Bad Vilbeler UrQuell Spritzig Mineral Water thus contains a total of 1346mg of minerals per liter(Medium minerality).

It has very rich Calcium, Bicarbonate minerals.

Bad Vilbeler UrQuell Spritzig Mineral Water has a degree of hardness of 5.2 GH and is therefore considered as Very Hard Water.

Total Mineral:1347 mg/l

Bad Vilbeler UrQuell Spritzig Mineral Water is suggested for:

Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gastric

Match Score : %100
Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, causes discomfort in the upper portion of your abdomen, and just abou...

Kidney Stone Disease

Match Score : %67
High calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate content in water is recommended for kidney stone patients.


Match Score : %67
Für Nierensteinpatienten wird ein hoher Calcium-, Magnesium- und Bicarbonatgehalt im Mineralwasser empfohlen.

Vegan/Vegetarian Diet

Match Score : %50
Choosing the right mineral water can add a nice dose of calcium and magnesium to your vegan/vegetarian diet.

Vegane/vegetarische Ernährung

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Keto Diet

Match Score : %33
The keto flu symptoms can be triggered by insufficient sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in your body.

Hangover Cure

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Mineral water might be a good solution for hangover cure. It helps to reduce or even completely eliminate a...

Kater verhindern

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Für viele bedeutet ein Kater Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit, Sodbrennen oder Kreislaufprobleme. Durch ein Geträ...

Akşamdan Kalma

Match Score : %33
Alkolden kaynaklı su kaybının giderilmesi ve böbreklerin alkol tüketimi ile yok etiği mineralleri yen...


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